Please fill in your active email address in the bio column when you log in later for further email replies from SIPMABA ITS.Regarding login to SIPMABA, username: Registration number and password: date of birth in 'ddmmyyyy' format. For example, a prospective student who was born on January 2, 1994, the entered password format is 02011994.
Before logging in and filling out your bio, you must read and prepare the following things:

  1. Schedule of online verification process re-regeneration/verification of biodata and several announcements that prospective new International students must know about the batch 4 upgrading program, please download on this page.
  2. Instructions for using ITS SIPMABA application for prospective new International Students ITS, please download here.
  3. Latest color photograph file (400x600 pixel; jpg or png; 200-500 KB) with blue background. Wear a plain, white shirt.
  4. Scan (jpg, 200-500 KB per document):
    1. Graduation Certificate (Surat Keterangan Lulus (SKL))
    2. Academic Transcript (raport), for those who have not unploaded
    3. Family Card (Kartu Keluarga (KK)) and Identification Card (KTP)
  5. Stamped statement letter Rp. 10.000,- signed by parents/guardians and prospective students :
    1. The statement letter will upload the document properly. Download file here
    2. The statement letter will not use / circulate / carry narcotics, phsykotropics, and addictive substances (NAPZA), will not participate in all student activities that are not permitted by ITS Leaders, and will not commit crimes both inside and outside ITS. Download file here
    3. The statement letter will not withdraw the tuition fee that has been paid to ITS. Download file here
  6. Prospective new students who are proven to have falsified the supporting documents required for re-registration (both at the time of re-registration and later after becoming a student), will be subject to sanctions in the form of cancellation of their rights as new students or being expelled as students.
  7. For further information that is not included in this announcement, please call the contact number on the help desk.


ITS tidak pernah mengumumkan segala hal terkait proses pendaftaran ulang mahasiswa baru melalui sms atau telepon. Semua pengumuman disampaikan melalui web resmi berdomain Apabila ada sesuatu yang perlu dikonfirmasi, bisa menghubungi Direktorat Pendidikan - ITS (Telp. 031 5994251 - 54, Ext. 1012, 1108, 1119).